Analysts said the slump reflected a saturation of the market for MP3 music players as well as the migration of people to phones that play music.
It's the kind of market saturation most app makers — content makers of any kind, really — only dream of.
"For anyone to conclude that the U.S. market is reaching a level of saturation for us, I think would be a wrong conclusion," he said.
Overall smartphone shipments in China in the first quarter of 2015 shrank for the first time in six years, with one-time leader Xiaomi saying the domestic market was nearing saturation.
With the saturation of urban communication market, rural communication market becomes the focus of market competition for each carrier.
The financial crisis and the saturation of the employment market cannot but bring graduates various pressures so that some subtle changes and impediments have been formed in their psychology.
With the gradual saturation of consume market of automobile, more and more auto manufacture corporations begin to take a part of Chinese market and raise the upsurge of joint venture in auto industry.
After the 1998 financial crisis, the market of the means of subsistence has changed greatly and the saturation degree of the market has gone up highly.
Advertising art is emerging with the saturation of products in the market, increasing homogeneity of products and popularity of TV.
In the meantime, as the market is getting close to saturation, competition of customer resources between different operators turned from the incremental market to the stock market.
In the meantime, as the market is getting close to saturation, competition of customer resources between different operators turned from the incremental market to the stock market.