If I can't say something, will you say it for me?
My first name is Theodore, but I don't like it, for the fellows called me Dora, so I made them say Laurie instead.
She told me to give it to him for free and that she would pay me $1.5. I didn't expect her to say so at all and of course I didn't take her money either.
For example, for me it is when people say affirming words to me that I feel loved.
I do feel sorry for them, but I'm glad it wasn't me, that's all I can say.
I couldn't say who felt what - it was never apparent to me at the time, and it's important for people to realise that.
For if I say that this is to disobey the god and because of this it is impossible to keep quiet, you will not be persuaded by me on the grounds that I am being ironic.
All it takes is for the Big Girl to say something like, "You forgot to remind me to bring my library book," to send me into a tirade.
As Seth Godin would say, the only radio station people listen to is WII-FM (What's in It For Me).
正如Seth Godin(译注2)所说,人们想听的唯一一个广播电台是“我有什么好处调频”(译注3)。
I say, “Tell you what. I’ll write everything for you, and when you’re happy with it, send me a check for what you think is reasonable.”
For example, “Mary, your opening anecdote was relevant and powerful. It made me want to listen to what else you had to say.
For fourteen days he was lying where he was, because God wanted to reward me and his mother, to say to us, ‘Don’t you worry about it.
So instead of saying "this is what she said," it would be fairer for me to say, "this is what I got, or at least what I remember."
He had become-he doesn't like for me to say it, but I think he had become truly obsessed.
Needless to say, it was the girl, No.22, bought for me after the interview.
And Catherine, don't think, or say that I'm very unwell: it is the heavy weather and heat that make me dull; and I walked about, before you came, a great deal for me.
I appreciate the folks who come up to me and say, "you know, J."D., I don't know how you do it. I tried to keep a blog for a few months.
It is no exaggeration for me to say that the consequences of wide-spread resistance to artemisinins would be catastrophic.
It is not for the executive to say: "they gave me this big stock-based incentive but they really don't mean it."
Mr Blair is not likely to say, "OK guys, you got me-i did it out of lust for glory and infatuation with George Bush."
Lahuve asked, "Please ask them again if it is possible for me to die earlier, say around forty to fifty?"
Oh and for the record I'd rather a waiter say, “Have a nice day” and not mean it, than ignore me and mean it.
Oh and for the record I'd rather a waiter say, "Have a nice day" and not mean it, than ignore me and mean it.
For sure, I would prefer if Valentino did it away from the cameras and would say something to me quietly without always having to have proof, "commented Stoner."
I mean, for example, if you ask me what I vote for, I'll say "Well..." and I'll find an excuse not to answer it.
This isn't easy for me to say, but I have to do it.
If Grandfather were here, she thought, he would say that it was all my governess's fault for raising me to be so prim and proper!
And it's relatively common for a witness to say, hey, he reminded me of so and so, and that maybe someone they know, but it may well be a celebrity face.
And it's relatively common for a witness to say, hey, he reminded me of so and so, and that maybe someone they know, but it may well be a celebrity face.