We would say that this whole area over which it migrates is its habitat because on this long-distance journey, it needs to come down to feed and sleep every so often, right?
Will the initiative require a large staff — more than, say, forty people — over its lifecycle?
When AgBank first approached him about moving over to run its IPO, officials initially offered him a position as assistant to the bank's chairman, people familiar with the situation say.
Applying both methods to worldwide data, the scientists say industrial fishing over the past decades has not simply worked its way downwards from the top of the food chain -- it has gone upwards, too.
Each CDO would be sold on the basis of its own scenario, using central assumptions about the future of interest rates and defaults to "demonstrate" the payouts over, say, the next 30 years.
When dealing with a nation struggling to pay its loans, it would make more sense to restructure its debts - so they are paid back over a long period, say.
Natural gas, with its reputation as a linchpin in the effort to wean the nation off dirtier fossil fuels and reduce global warming, may not be as clean over all as its proponents say.
Insiders say that over the past two years the firm has paid more attention to its credit and distressed-debt businesses than buy-outs.
Western diplomats say they want the U.N. sanctions to be imposed on Iran in an incremental fashion, increasing the pressure over time if Iran presses on with its nuclear programs.
The series became more interesting (thanks to Alfonso Cuarón) over the years, but it’s never managed to stand on its own, to find something unique to say without the books propping up every scene.
Over time, MySpace says its library will grow and be competitive with those of Rhapsody and iTunes, something that music industry insiders say is part of the Grand Plan for music.
When things go wrong SOA can look you in the eye and with sincerety over the failed relationship say, "Really, its not me, its you."
SAY what you will about our government's approach to the financial crisis, you cannot accuse it of wasting its energy being consistent or trying to win over the masses.
On the other hand, analysts say support for Hamas has dropped in Gaza over its policy of confrontation with Israel, which has left hundreds of Palestinians dead and suffocated the local economy.
Chinese currency were to appreciate 30% against the dollar I would say that China's has control over its real estate bubble and it is going to deflate.
Rather, say Kremlinologists, they reflect Mr Putin's need to gain more legitimacy among voters and tighten his grip over an elite that likes to keep its assets and children in the West.
Fire officials say a lumbering pet turtle sparked a fast-moving fire in a New York City apartment after crawling out of its tank and knocking over the terrarium's heat lamp.
Gustav is expected to move over open waters today where forecasters say it could gain strength as it makes its way toward the Gulf Coast.
A leading regional supermarket chain has pulled dolphin from its shelves over the health concerns, and hunt critics in the town say villagers are shunning it.
Coffee splashes over you. Your daughter is about to cry. You gently say, Its ok honey, you just need to be more careful next time.
Coffee splashes over you. Your daughter is about to cry. You gently say, "Its ok honey, you just need to be more careful next time".
Coffee splashes over you. Your daughter is about to cry. You gently say, "Its ok honey, you just need to be more careful next time".