It is necessary to apply unitary scale of hardness in practice.
The hardness of all metals samples can be continuously established with the same scale by Vickers hardness test. But the test methods are inefficient.
The performance of synergistic scale inhibition was investigated in different water temperature, magnetic field intensity, water hardness and concentration.
Sapphire has a hardness of 9 on the Mohs scale and is also extremely tough.
The research status of scale-resistant property of water quality stabilizer BD-5 for low hardness and low alkalinity surface water is presented in this paper.
The quantitative scale of the hardness-softness of acids and bases is an important problem yet to be solved in the study of the principles of hard and soft acids and bases.
The quantitative scale of the hardness-softness of acids and bases is an important problem yet to be solved in the study of the principles of hard and soft acids and bases.