The company already has two scaled-down versions in orbit.
You can find a simple, scaled-down way of launching anything.
Shichang resembles a scaled-down version of the Royal Navy's Argus aviation training ship.
The scaled-down version may just be an interim measure: What would you do if you had the time to do it right?
NOTE: the lightweight UI is a scaled-down version of the standard DWA UI, optional with the release 6.5.3 hotfix.
注意:轻量级ui是标准DWA UI的缩减版,对于版本6.5.3 hotfix,它的使用是随意的。
A sister programme for toxic securities finally got going this month, albeit in substantially scaled-down form.
The laws of physics get weird at really small scales, so scaled-down versions of bigger devices may not work as well.
In this case, the is a scaled-down version of the dojo.parser and is better optimized for mobile devices.
在本例中,dojox . mobile . parser是dojo . parser的一个缩小版,能够更好地进行移动设备优化。
Moreover, if a scaled-down GM no longer floods the market with discounted vehicles, Ford should be able to raise its own prices.
We defined sca imports and exports in Part 1, but we will delve deeper into them here and continue building our scaled-down example.
They behave as scaled-down versions of much more massive black holes that are at the cores of extremely active galaxies, called quasars.
But given the woes of America's newspapers, many of which have gone bust or shifted to scaled-down, web-only operations, that is not saying much.
So far, apart from some low-altitude test flights, the only stratospheric tests have involved a scaled-down version tethered to a weather balloon.
In most cases, the logical solution is to move software to the cloud in phases, beginning with a highly scaled-down version of the original application provided as SaaS.
That is the theory, at least. So far, apart from some low-altitude test flights, the only stratospheric tests have involved a scaled-down version tethered to a weather balloon.
The scaled-down replica, built by marine enthusiast Stan Fraser, will open up as part of a maritime museum and cafe in time for next April, which will mark the 100th anniversary of the tragedy.
In the 17th century scaled-down carillons are introduced into the drawing-room: the musical clock contains a row of bells which are played by a pro grammed cylinder just like the tower carillon.
The USPS used an elaborate system ofpneumatic tubes during the early 19th century, but London took anentirely different approach and built this scaled-down railroad systemto be used only for parcels.
For purposes of covering this instant messaging technique in an article format, we scaled down the awareness version that our company uses.
So you’ve scaled down your ambitions as to what your presentation will achieve in terms of information transfer.
The rectangular robot--looking a bit like a scaled down version of a solar car--is equipped with a high-definition camera and sensors that can detect overgrown trees.
These resources can be scaled up or scaled down as needed and will be used mainly by large service providers.
It is a scaled down version of your production environment with the same level of complexity.
We will therefore illustrate references and wires using a scaled down model, as shown in Figure 3; however, keep in mind the vision of appropriate sca usage in Figure 2.
He lost sponsorship deals with Gatorade and Accenture, while other endorsement deals were scaled down.
Remember that most headline news is generally bad news, even when it's scaled down into small social circles.
The bank was hurt by provisions for loan impairment charges mostly arising from its business in the Middle East and its consumer-lending unit in America, which is being scaled down.
Answers to the great research questions were sought within sheltered Chambers, where small groups of specialized experts scaled down (or up) phenomena in joyful isolation.
Answers to the great research questions were sought within sheltered Chambers, where small groups of specialized experts scaled down (or up) phenomena in joyful isolation.