The flow in porous media is expressed in terms of scaling law.
Scaling law of structure function in GOY model is analyzed in this paper.
Thus the relations between the source parameters can be deduced from the scaling law, rather than pure statistical relations.
The temperature of hot electrons is much higher than that expected by the empirical scaling law as the laser intensity reaches the relativistic.
Scaling law of structure function in GOY model is analyzed in this paper. It is point out that the fluctuation of structure function lead to nonlinear scaling law.
This class will discuss semiconductor industry faced Moore's law challenge today, the rising cost of silicon scaling, the system integration challenge and advanced memory need.
The test is testified to be reliable and accurate by the description of scaling law of indoor ice pool platform model test, model scale choice, simulated ice conditions, and ice force measure system.
We collect observation reports of three earthquake sequences occurred in Yunnan Province and investigate the scaling law between reduced energy and seismic moment with these reports.
It is shown that the atmospheric turbulence gives rise to spectral shift and to beam spreading of spatially partially coherent polychromatic light whether the scaling law is satisfied or not.
A particle in cell code has been developed to simulate the steady state of electron plasmas in an electron beam Penning trap and to study its scaling law.
We also discussed the Z-scaling law of these physical quantities.
A new method and corresponding numerical procedure were introduced to estimate scaling exponents of power-law degree distribution and hierarchical clustering function for complex networks.
Different power law scaling methods have been adopted to optimize the massive deceptive problem.
That seems to indicate that the scaling law between factorial moment and resolution is not necessarily associated with intermittent behavior.
This relationship between size and multiplicity is governed by the fractal or inverse-power scaling law, which is obeyed by the majority of stable natural and artificial systems.
This deduction which has been proved by tests is very useful in explosion venting research (e. g. in scaling law research).
A concept about critical cooling thickness of mirrors has been suggested, and a scaling law of multi-pulse accumulative effects has been obtained.
Some new common patterns such as dissipation law, gravity law, and allometric scaling are found on the collected energetic food webs.
Some new common patterns such as dissipation law, gravity law, and allometric scaling are found on the collected energetic food webs.