S. Rather than using something like Near Field Communications to accept payments, the system utilizes smart phone apps, which display a bar code for the cashier to scan.
那并不是用类似 (近距离无线通信技术)那样的收费方式,星巴克的系统是用智能手机的应用程序,它显示一个条码以供现金刷卡机扫描。
S. Rather than using something like Near Field Communications to accept payments, the system utilizes smart phone apps, which display a bar code for the cashier to scan.
那并不是用类似 (近距离无线通信技术)那样的收费方式,星巴克的系统是用智能手机的应用程序,它显示一个条码以供现金刷卡机扫描。