Through the open windows of the room came the rich scent of summer flowers.
Summer, that is not hot and sultry, as in the Central Russia, but of fresh, chilly Kamchatkan one, with the scent of freshness, sea and wild flowers.
They rolled in the dew, they cropped mouthfuls of the sweet summer grass, they kicked up clods of the black earth and snuffed its rich scent.
The summer morning air is filled with the scent of 27)damp earth as we 28)pedal through the forest and out onto the streets of Mackinac Island the next day.
Hot afternoon, the scent of green tea to drink, not only Qingre heat, but also antidote thirst, it is summer the best choice for health.
The house is filled with the smell of lavender, a scent that will forever trigger memories for the clients of summer in the dunes.
It had waited the whole summer to blossom out and bring forth its scent and give of that scent to the man who delights in beauty.
In G city no distinct seasons city, neither hot in summer, nor cold in winter, smell the scent of kapok only, just know, the spring footsteps get close.
Or a sudden rainstorm in the park touches off a pure green and muddy earth scent, giving rise to memories of countless summer occurrences;
When the light summer wind stirred amidst the trees of the garden, there came through the open door the heavy scent of the lilac.
Walking through pinewoods, the summer air still and heavy with the scent of resin, eager feet sinking in soft white sand.
Walking through pinewoods, the summer air still and heavy with the scent of resin, eager feet sinking in soft white sand.