In schools throughout the world girls tend to be better than boys at "language subjects" and boys better at maths and physics.
Now, all courses of HBS adhere to case method. This method is being used at business schools throughout the world.
The Montessori method is employed in schools throughout the world today, and her life serves as an inspiration for countless other teachers.
The Scrum in Schools project is a grassroots effort to bring a free, age-appropriate Scrum curriculum to educators throughout the world.
This, in turn, spawned other philosophical schools throughout the Greek world and later, the Roman world.
Then, what makes American films stand out among a number of film schools, what makes Hollywood's box-office record impressive, and what makes American films popular throughout the world.
The GAC program is taught at local and international high schools, universities and private colleges in 11 countries throughout the world.
The GAC program is taught at local and international high schools, universities and private colleges in 11 countries throughout the world.