As this new science of habit has emerged, controversies have erupted when the tactics have been used to sell questionable beauty creams or unhealthy foods.
We must instead embrace the city fight as our optimum scenario and cultivate the art and science of information age siege tactics.
Fixed price tactics of popular science periodical related with realization of society benefit and economy benefit of popular science periodical.
Aiming the question of devising tactics in decision science, implication system analytic method is created.
Although Wu Zi, compared with Military Science of Sun Tzu, has no obvious breakthrough in the exploration of the law of war, but has made new exploration in the principles of concrete tactics.
The latest conception is one of attainments, whose tactics of goal are sustaining the tension of goal in "science" and "value" so as to expand the space of the goal;
The latest conception is one of attainments, whose tactics of goal are sustaining the tension of goal in "science" and "value" so as to expand the space of the goal;