Computer applications including scientific computing, data processing and information management, automatic control, computer-aided design manufacturing and testing, the system simulation.
Proactively provide the medical leadership and scientific input to improve the project quality in the function of medical science, phamacovigilance, clinical operation and data management etc.
It provides some valuable data for department of the library and information, department of the scientific management and editorial department of the journal.
This thesis shows how to use digitized technique to achieve scientific management and improve efficiency of work in the management of conference, document, information and data.
To learn the hygienic status in catering trade of Zhishan district, provide the firsthand data for quantification management and provide scientific basis for working out new managerial models.
Simulation on a computer is experimentally conducted with data collected from a port, providing the basis for scientific port management.
Resource sharing and management, data preservation, scientific analysis, and data reconstruction and statistical inquiry of scientific management and decision-making.
This system can be applied to automatic detection of damaged road, the system can also provide the scientific data to the road management and maintenance department.
A foundation for dynamic management of the mine data was offered, and scientific basis for the reasonable use of mineral resources is provided.
HSOC. which is the data management sub-system, is the fundamental infrastructure of HXMT's scientific administration center.
The database of land use can provided more accurate and more scientific decisive information for the optimal management model of land resource if only spatial data origins are renovated periodically.
The data in the system is convenient for work summary and scientific research. The work protocol based on the system can help realize the standardized management to community health-care service.
The data in the system is convenient for work summary and scientific research. The work protocol based on the system can help realize the standardized management to community health-care service.