The vast Cat's Paw Nebula in Scorpius.
And it was part of Scorpius, located to Libra's east.
"Defend for security, Defend for freedom." (USS Scorpius).
We're still looking in the direction of the constellation Scorpius.
Tonight's moon appears near the upper part of the constellation Scorpius.
Scorpius and its bright star Antares can be found this evening near the moon.
Still, no known cat could have created the vast cat's Paw Nebula visible in Scorpius.
In this picture, you can see the bright Moon with the constellation Scorpius just before dawn.
Constellations near the Galactic Center include Sagittarius, Libra, Scorpius, Scutum, and Ophiuchus.
It is associated with the constellation Scorpius and the classical element Water, making it a Water sign.
Here it is - Scorpius the Scorpion - only visible at nightfall and very early evening now that summer has faded away.
Dust and gas envelop a cluster of massive stars called Pismis 24 in a new picture of a nebula in the constellation Scorpius.
The bright, greenish star on the right is PI Scorpii, which marks one of the claws of the scorpion in the constellation Scorpius.
The bright star on the right with the greenish haze is Pi Scorpii, one of the claws of the scorpion in the constellation Scorpius.
照片右边带有绿色阴霾的亮星是天蝎座Pi(PiScorpii),它位于天蝎座(constellation Scorpius)的一只蝎爪位置。
The Scorpion's Claw Located right in the claw of the constellation Scorpius, nebula DG 129 looks pretty unremarkable in the visible spectrum.
被称为“天蝎之爪”的DG 129星云正位于天蝎座的爪子处,它在这个肉眼可见的星座中看起来毫不起眼。
In silhouette against a crowded star field toward the constellation Scorpius, this dusty cosmic cloud evokes for some the image of an ominous dark tower.
The oldest exoplanet known yet, PSR B1620-26 b, nicknamed Methuselah, is also a pulsar planet, located 5,600 light years from Earth in the Scorpius constellation.
已知最古老的太阳系外行星是PSR B1620-26b,又名Methuselah,它也是一颗脉冲星行星,位于5600光年之外的天蝎座中。
Stars move slightly, and several years ago Antares in the constellation Scorpius became the bright star that is most isolated from other bright stars in Earth's skies.
These observations show that our Sun is moving through a Local Interstellar Cloud as this cloud flows outwards from the Scorpius-Centaurus Association star forming region.
这些观察结果表明我们的太阳正在穿过一片本地星际云(Local Interstellar Cloud),而这片星际云正在远离天蝎座和人马座星协(Scorpius-Centaurus Association)的恒星形成区域流动。
Most skywatchers think of Scorpius as a summer constellation (in the Northern Hemisphere), but early risers get a preview of the Scorpion climbing the southeastern sky before dawn during winter.
Most skywatchers think of Scorpius as a summer constellation (in the Northern Hemisphere), but early risers get a preview of the Scorpion climbing the southeastern sky before dawn during winter.