“It’s designed to be as much of a breathlessly cinematic experience as simple ‘run and gun’ outing, ” says Scott Steinberg, who writes for video game website Digital Trends.
视频游戏网站Digital Trend的作者Scott Steinberg说:“它设计时就是要在‘跑动和射击’的简单游戏过程中让玩家体会到看电影般上气不接下气的紧张体验。”
“It’s designed to be as much of a breathlessly cinematic experience as simple ‘run and gun’ outing, ” says Scott Steinberg, who writes for video game website Digital Trends.
视频游戏网站Digital Trend的作者Scott Steinberg说:“它设计时就是要在‘跑动和射击’的简单游戏过程中让玩家体会到看电影般上气不接下气的紧张体验。”