He is luckier than most and did not scour for his next meal.
More than 100 aircraft, dozens of ships and thousands of military personnel will scour the coastline for three days.
Instead of looking for magical healing potions in virtual worlds, these players scour buildings for defibrillators that haven't been cataloged yet.
Wesley and I would scour the beaches looking for COINS. We were very successful at it.
You might want to scour a website for information that it provides (such as attendance records for movies or concerts).
Admit it. You scour the profiles of other people for the same reason I do.
I lock my door and scour the woods for movement.
It makes perfect sense for companies to do the reverse: scour the world for markets that will pay high prices for their shares, thus reducing the cost of their capital.
Thieves scour the capital for vehicles that still have fuel in their tanks.
Russian traders scour its wholesale shops for furs and boots.
Who has time to scour the internet for a device driver to work with hardware such as a video card or an external hard drive?
After a day and two nights of wasted time we had eight hours or so to take our recreation, to scour the roads for cigarette ends, to beg, and to look for work.
Its trick is to form partnerships with foreign universities and to scour the world for products that it can license.
Many scour the internet for special deals.
I would scour the Internet for information on the newest nail polish collections and hottest colors, but found there was a lack of attention being paid to nails in the beauty blogosphere.
If the Fed doesn't actually announce new bond purchases, investors will scour its post-meeting statement for hints that it might do that or something else in the future.
Entrepreneurs were queuing up to scour rubbish for anything that could be recycled. There was even talk of mining old landfills to extract steel and aluminium cans.
Many make do without air fresheners, hair conditioner and other fripperies once deemed essential.Many scour the internet for special deals.
Employees also scour the Internet for clues and check in with other Four Seasons properties where the guest has stayed.
Sure, in their Mr Spock mode traders scour the horizon for hard-nosed data, read their analysts’ reports and digest breaking news.
If you scour the region for China's firm friends it is hard to find them.
MSL's mission is to scour the red Planet for environments that may once have harbored, or may still harbor, microbial organisms.
Mr Lanstein said hard drives from the servers had been handed over to a forensic firm that will scour them for clues as to the identity of the network's controllers.
You don't have to scour the classifieds looking for used cheap baby cribs.
For being convenient to study, pier scour would be divide into three part: erosion by develop naturally, generally erosion and part of pier-erosion.
Based on the theory of jet diffusion the formula for predicting the position of dune in equilibrium scour pit are deduced theoretically.
Based on the theory of jet diffusion the formula for predicting the position of dune in equilibrium scour pit are deduced theoretically.