If a fully enclosed unit (HT equipment) is available, scouring and bleaching can be effected in a single stage in a highly alkaline peroxide bath.
One bath scouring and dyeing process of mercerized high count cotton yarns is carried out in advanced yarn bleaching and dyeing machine to enhance the yarn strength.
The product is resistant to high-alkali, can be used for one bath scouring and bleaching process, the fabric whiteness after use a good, soft, equipment, non-silica scaling.
The pretreatment of pure cotton yarn was carried out using one bath method substituted conventional two bath and two step method in scouring and bleaching process.
Based on scouring and bleaching cotton fabric in one bath, application of electrochemistry in pretreatment was investigated.
In the paper, the one-bath technology of scouring and bleaching with scouring enzyme and H2O2 simultaneously were compared with the traditional two-bath technology of caustic scouring and bleaching.
In the paper, the one-bath technology of scouring and bleaching with scouring enzyme and H2O2 simultaneously were compared with the traditional two-bath technology of caustic scouring and bleaching.