No, you won't have to eat peppers that are rated "volcanic" on the Scoville Scale.
On the standard Scoville heat scale (Bell peppers 0, the hottest Indian jolokia peppers 1,000,000) orange habaneros run 100,000 to 350,000.
如果以标准斯科威尔辣度指数(Scoville heat scale:甜椒为0,最辣的印度断魂椒为100万单位),黄色哈瓦那辣椒的辣度在10万至35万之间。
On the standard Scoville heat scale (Bell peppers 0, the hottest Indian jolokia peppers 1,000,000) orange habaneros run 100,000 to 350,000.
如果以标准斯科威尔辣度指数(Scoville heat scale:甜椒为0,最辣的印度断魂椒为100万单位),黄色哈瓦那辣椒的辣度在10万至35万之间。