We managed to scrape together eight volunteers.
He had to have money, all he could scrape together.
It's possible the Congress Party will scrape together a majority.
Accordingly I, suggested to him, yield point of his scrape together.
If you want money at any time, I can always scrape together a tanner, you know.
The lecture will be given if you can scrape together enough people to listen to it.
Can we really not scrape together 0.001% of the population who are worthy of support?
I knew how hard Dad worked to scrape together enough money for my accordion and lessons.
Sally has to scrape together some money for the house dues to be eligible for social functions.
If he can scrape together the cash to get it running, he hopes to start a business selling fruit.
This is why artists scrape together a meager living for an average of seven years before being noticed.
If a city has enough engineers in its tax base, the bike mechanics can scrape together a living alongside them.
Suitable for beginners to learn, of course, as the end of operations, was able to scrape together a living.
Schools had to be cleared of rubble and of displaced people; families had to scrape together money for uniforms and fees.
Remember, not many people manage to scrape together the gumption and cash to experience travel and appreciate foreign cultures.
With their revenues cut, rural authorities have found it ever more difficult to scrape together money for health care and education.
We have a few months and the money we could scrape together throwing parties, and seeking support from our community, in the middle of a recession.
If we choose to buy pleasure, ease, and self-indulgence, somehow we must scrape together the purchase price. We may not eat our cake and have it too.
It usually happens that, before they can scrape together enough money, it is seized by the country officers or taken away by robbers and thieves or by fire and flood.
With the help of the House of Peace community center in Milwaukee, Ashford hopes to scrape together enough food and money to survive another month and move into a new home.
But it is also possible that the weather is turning and the debt that powers private equity's siege engines is starting-just starting, mind you-to become harder to scrape together.
Gratifyingly, it is not even the best track on the album, which should be motivation enough to scrape together some pennies and buy the damn thing - to do our bit to keep the band going.
Because fees have doubled in real terms since the last recession, to 10,000 pounds a year on average for day schools, any money parents scrape together will be burned through much faster.
Especially when writing essays, there is a good point of discussion in mind, but they do not have a typical argument, and have to temporarily change at the key moment, or write by scrape together.
Instead, some marketers (45%) pull together funding for social media projects as needed while others (23%) scrape together funds from wherever possible to pay for their various social media efforts.
They only just managed to scrape the money together.
He cannot be certain of winning a majority in his assembly, though he can probably deploy his popular appeal to scrape one together.
I'll try to scrape a team together for tomorrow's game.
I'll try to scrape a team together for tomorrow's game.