It received the Oscar for the best screen play of 1996.
Linda: It received the Oscar for the best screen play of 1996.
Although Screen Play magazine had called Ms. Stuart one of the 10 most beautiful women in Hollywood, she was more than a pretty face.
尽管《Screen Play》杂志称她为好莱坞十大最美丽的女星之一,但她并不仅仅只长了一张漂亮的脸蛋。
Another disadvantage is that the diamond net orbit is relatively small, so as to increase the friction will make it will make the screen play, do not come back.
He has adapted the play for the screen.
She returns to the big screen to play Candy's overbearing mother, Rose.
In the study, the researchers let volunteers read, play games and watch movies on a screen for different time while measuring how much light their eyes received.
Professionals of stage and screen, they know how to express an emotion when called upon to act it.We believe them when we see them cry or fall in love or die in a movie or play.
Researchers from Emmanuel College and Harvard University had participants play a game in which they faced off against two other players represented by cartoons on a computer screen.
For instance, we are running the Doggcatcher podcast player widget on the WidgetLocker lock screen, and we can initiate play/pause commands right from the lock screen.
例如,我们在 WindgetLocker锁定屏幕中运行了Doggcatcher 广播播放器工具,于是我们可以直接在锁定屏幕中执行播放/暂停命令。
They played a computer game that paid real cash to look for money behind three doors on the screen. (You can play it yourself, without pay, at
Now consider the iPhone, where an embedded video will display a nice play button in its overlay, the tapping of which will grow the video to fill the tiny screen.
The reason: When you play a handheld game, you are less likely significantly shift your position in relation to the screen, making it easier to stay in the viewing sweet spot.
In my battery test, I turn off all power-saving features, leave the Wi-Fi network on, crank up the screen to 100% brightness, and play a continuous loop of music.
在我的电池测试中,我关闭了所有节电模式,开着Wi - Fi网络,把屏幕亮度调到100%,并不停地循环播放音乐。
With the iPad, the Madden franchise will finally get a chance to play ball on the biggest portable screen yet.
Martin Freeman will play the role of Bilbo Baggins in the upcoming two-part screen adaptation of J.R.R. Tolkein’s The Hobbit, according to casting information released Friday.
Microsoft on Tuesday confirmed its plans to take on the iPod Touch with a new, touch-screen Zune that will be able to surf the Web, play high-definition movies, and tune in to digital radio.
微软本周二确认Zune HD将于今年秋季登录美国市场 ,这是一款采用OLED显示面板和触摸屏设计的播放器产品,产品具备网页浏览,高清收音机以及播放高清视频等功能。 使用 Windows CE操作系统,并且将内置一种专为触摸屏优化的IE浏览器版本。
The 9.7-inch touch-screen device, which will let users play games, check email and read books, presents a major challenge to the media, publishing and wireless industries.
这个9.7英寸的触摸屏设备,它可以让用户玩游戏,收发电子邮件和阅读书籍,是对出版媒体和无线行业的一个重大挑战 。
Screen said: "The albedo effect is very important here, but there are other factors related to the loss of sea ice that likely play a role.
People who view your slideshow on SlideShare can navigate from slide to slide, play the slideshow, view it in full screen, and download it in its original form.
These let you play split screen multiplayer games on the same machine.
"Working in front of a blue screen is the hardest kind of acting, because everything is in your imagination, " she continued, noting that it's very different from acting in a play.
Children play them on computers using a joystick to control the weapons and movements they see on the computer screen.
Because they are so identical Ffion, Maddison and Paige can play the same baby on screen, so they get rotated while scenes are being filmed to avoid a single baby getting too tired.
These beautiful treasure trove of screen shots going to play well when I meet her at the lawyer's office in a few weeks. '.
SCREEN SIZE NOTICE: This game was designed for tablets. Although it may run on your phone, it will probably be too small to play!
You push different buttons on this plastic guitar that comes with the game, trying to play the correct notes as they scroll down the screen.
You push different buttons on this plastic guitar that comes with the game, trying to play the correct notes as they scroll down the screen.