I want my students to search out the answers to questions by using all the resources available to them.
The accusation of incuriosity is one that we hear often, carrying the suggestion that there is something wrong with not wanting to search out the truth.
Survivors of it feel compelled to search out a savior.
The police were trying to search out the real murderer.
It took me several weeks to search out the book that I wanted.
Will you please try to search out for me what time the train arrives?
It is the glory of God to conceal a matter; to search out a matter is the glory of Kings.
Specifically search out the hidden treasures and wisdom contained in the really old books.
It is the glory of God to conceal a thing: but the honour of Kings is to search out a matter.
So my advice is to search out industries where you can capture at least a 60 per cent gross margin.
In general, women are much more perceptive and search out for personality more than just good looks.
Information retrieval is focus on how to search out the documents subset which is relevant to the users' query.
To excel at sales, you first must know your product, and then search out the perfect customers for that product.
The orthogonal experiment L9 (34) was arranged to search out the optimum extraction conditions of Polysaccharide.
Avoid unnecessary anxiety by approaching a trusted colleague to search out the real bottom line with your company.
The dogs search out and find the lost or injured traveler, and then lick him and lie next to him to give him warmth.
Equipped with better knowledge and understanding, tourists will search out trips that conform to their new social awareness.
While we're used to hearing about dogs learning to help the blind or search out injured people, Oscar's case is more puzzling.
Comic books are often an exercise for the readers, who have to search out visual cues and character tags to figure out which character is which.
The bigger question is, what is happening in a marriage or committed relationship to cause one or both people to search out for past loves online?
Which is good news for the news business, the author says. Because it means people still want someone else to search out information and deliver it.
That is what is apparently happening in Beijing this month as party cadres and their friends search out brand names like Ferragamo, Dior and Cartier.
Structural design optimization is to search out the optimum scheme in all feasible design schemes by comparison with the standards given by designers.
Who went ahead of you on your journey, in fire by night and in a cloud by day, to search out places for you to camp and to show you the way you should go.
Who went ahead of you on your journey, in fire by night and in a cloud by day, to search out places for you to camp and to show you the way you should go.