But if you're looking for a rare indulgence or a special gift for a loved one, you can buy a high-end brand without taking out a second mortgage.
Before this regulation took effect, many people's priorities would have been mortgage first, credit card second; now, many borrowers have reversed the order.
In other words, yes, you can afford that second or third mortgage.
One of the cheapest ways to borrow for education is to take out a second mortgage on a house, Ward says.
Mortgage applications for purchases fell sharply in November, to their lowest level since 1997. Confidence among home-builders declined in November for a second consecutive month.
Second, it has been trading in low-risk, low-return Treasury debt and buying higher-yielding private debt—discount loans to banks, commercial paper, and mortgage-backed securities, for example.
The second thing is to accelerate the resolution of the home mortgage crisis, which would make businesses more eager to borrow, expand and consumers more willing to spend.
第二件要做的事就是要加快解决房贷危机。 这样,企业将更愿意参与借贷和拓展业务,消费者也更愿意花钱消费。
Getting a second mortgage these days, however, can be difficult, especially for someone without a job.
Even so, the plan appears to treat second-lienholders better than investors in the main mortgage, because the formerare not required to cut principal when first-lien balances drop.
Even before the Fed unleashed a second round of freshly printed money into the economy, U.S. mortgage rates dropped to record lows.
McCain accused Obama of being the Senate's second-highest recipient of donations from individuals at Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, the two now-disgraced mortgage industry giants.
Complicating matters, investors in complex mortgage-linked securities, who make money based on interest payments, could still balk, especially those who hold second mortgages or home equity loans.
Like most families, child care is the Pettys' second-biggest monthly expense after their home mortgage.
The 30 percent share of borrowers refinancing a 30-year loan and taking out a 15 - and 20-year mortgage in the second quarter was the highest since 2004.
Mortgage repossession claims have been steadily rising and are likely to breach 160, 000 this year, second only to 1991, in the depths of the last housing crash.
Mortgage lending is still profitable, yet in June it was 3% lower than a year earlier, while net consumer borrowing fell for a second month.
The second section explores the validity of registration system of chattel mortgage in detail from the kens of jurisprudence and economics.
I took out a second mortgage on the house.
The report is a far cry from last year, when second-quarter profitsdropped sharply after a fall in mortgage revenue and a rise in legal costs.
However, if you sell your home or refinance, you will have to pay off your second mortgage.
The bank, the US's second-largest, said a rise in mortgage revenueand a drop in expenses helped lift results.
Before taking out a second mortgage, it is important to develop a reasonable budget budget with reasonable expectations.
One loan finances 80 percent of the mortgage, while the second loan finances the remaining 10 percent of the sales price.
The second part gives theoretical analysis of movable property mortgage.
This is J. P. Morgan's second purchase of a financial institution left vulnerable by the subprime mortgage crisis.
Mortgage delinquencies rise in second quarter.
Mortgage delinquencies rise in second quarter.