While boasting annual box-office revenue increases for nine straight years, largely due to increased ticket prices, the number of actual tickets sold has declined for the second year in a row.
During his second day in the country, Wolfowitz met with women's groups at the Bank group office and visited Saint Camille Hospital, the largest health center for maternal and early childhood health.
In his second full day in office, Mr. Obama made good on one of his biggest campaign promises.
In this second article in the series, I continue the discussion of SOAP and I use the example of a hypothetical service that returns the temperature in my office.
Last year, to make it that little bit easier for members of the House of Representatives to pop in, Mr Feulner opened a second office on the House side.
Here are 12 cautionary online tales that serve to remind us how garden variety office gossip and misinformation can now go global in a split second.
Stempel's fate was sealed on his second day in office.
He sat, in his black suit, with his account books, in an office room on the second storey.
He was in India recently as the group expanded its operations with second office in Delhi. Excerpts from an interview with et.
In, rules under the direction of policy, the people's energy saving awareness increases in the place was known as the second largest human life area office, green office concept.
I wish I could just fire the entire staff for being so incompetent, but between going on vacation and running around trying to buy a second home, I'm really only in the office a couple of days a year.
In the second case, interruptions from others-such as when you stop a conversation because someone calls or because someone drops by your office-can be just as disruptive to the communication process.
This article is the second in a series that explores how IBM middleware capabilities can be integrated to address the technical requirements of the financial markets front office.
Not everyone can be like Dwight from "The Office," who created a Second Life avatar that was similar in every way to his real self, except he could fly.
I ran down to his office just in time to see the second plane hit the South Tower.
The environmentally friendly building in the heart of Australia's second biggest city consumes only 15 percent of the energy of a regular office tower and about 30 percent of the water.
Summit Entertainment has released two films, the second of which, “New Moon”, broke the American record for box-office sales in a single day.
Second, if it doesn't end, the average person works 500 months in their lifetime, so there's no rush to get to the office.
This is the second time in roughly ten years that the same fate has befallen us. Last time it was redevelopment of an office block into a hotel.
In an unsual move - described by the White House as an "abundance of caution" - he was administered the oath of office a second time because a word was out of sequence when he was sworn in on Tuesday.
Out of "an abundance of caution", Barack Obama has taken the oath of office a second time because a word was out of sequence when he was sworn in on Tuesday.
I realize that repetitive strain injuries are fairly common, but they're common enough to rank working in an office as the second most unhealthy job?
A recent report from the Congressional Budget Office reckons that it created 2m-4.8m more full-time-equivalent jobs in the second quarter than would have existed without it.
Since then, the Kansas City -based company has expanded to 25 employees and a second office in Birmingham, U.K.
Second, other people at such age are having works, they are fighting for their career, the pressure in so great that they have to sit on the office all day.
WHEN the final instalment in the saga of Harry Potter's education is released in cinemas on July 15th the franchise is likely to become the second biggest ever, measured by box-office revenue.
Imagine a Web service that provides up-to-the-second reports of the temperature in my office.
Imagine a Web service that provides up-to-the-second reports of the temperature in my office.