In this paper, a new method of error estimate for the generalized difference method of second order elliptic problems on triangle grids is given.
The slope of flexibility difference was introduced to locate possible damage elements, and the damage extent was estimated using the second order eigen-sensitivity approximation method.
In this paper, the second order fully discrete difference method for a partial integro-differential equation is considered.
Various borehole and formation conditions were simulated using the fourth order accuracy in space and second order accuracy in time centered finite difference method.
Second, the free-boundary is handled by using combination of the zero-velocity method with the general ghost-image method and fourth-order difference format is used in free-boundary.
The Euler solution is obtained using time-marching method by MacCormack two-step finite-difference scheme, which has second-order accuracy in both time and space.
应用隐式时间推进法对不同马赫数的无粘和粘性流动进行数值分析 ,给出了基于预处理方法的高阶精度隐式求解方法。
The Euler solution is obtained using time-marching method by MacCormack two-step finite-difference scheme, which has second-order accuracy in both time and space.
应用隐式时间推进法对不同马赫数的无粘和粘性流动进行数值分析 ,给出了基于预处理方法的高阶精度隐式求解方法。