THE 1950s and ’60s brought many new things to American offices, including the Xerox machine, word processing and — perhaps less famously — the first National Secretaries Day, in 1952.
Secretaries can only hope that bosses won’t take the human in question for granted, a sign that not everyone will be celebrating this Administrative Professionals Day.
Once there she wrote to Schneider that she was “very happy to be near him, especially now, ” and “The secretaries and I are practicing with the pistol every day.”
Gift Wrapping on the afternoon of Secretary Day, my co-worker and I finally found the time to get gifts for our secretaries.
Can we anticipate a day when secretaries will be an even mix of men and women-or when the mention of a male nurse will no longer raise eyebrows?
The secretaries left so tired at the end of the day that they almost shuffled along, but Eleanor was only nicely started.
Can we anticipate a day when secretaries will be an even mix of men and women, or when the mention of a male nurse will no longer raise eyebrows?
Can we anticipate a day when secretaries will be an even mix of men and women, or when the mention of a male nurse will no longer raise eyebrows?