This security dilemma is hardly unique to Norway.
But in the real world, we see the security dilemma faced by every country.
The security dilemma is the most prominent characteristic of the safe environment in East Asia after the cold war.
This paper research on ease security dilemma is in the frame of regional security cooperation of Shanghai Cooperation Organization.
At present, due to the universality of visible or invisible security dilemma, East Asia is likely to become one of the most dangerous regions in the early twenty - first century.
Since economics, like nature, abhors a vacuum, a small industry of “security companies” has emerged to exploit the hackers' dilemma.
正如自然中很难存在真空一样。 遵从经济学原理,“安全公司”这种可以解决黑客窘境的小型行业出现了,填补了业界的空白。
Even the simplest and most obvious prescriptions, to do with improving security at domestic airports, pose a dilemma.
The primary problem of security investor protection in our country is that it is hard for minority investors to overcome collective action dilemma, and the lack of their powerful prolocutor.
Climate change is expected to complicate this relationship still further, presenting us with a Shared dilemma about how to balance our climate and energy objectives while preserving security.
The article argues that granting students loans by social security cards from social security fund can radically solve the dilemma of students' credit squeeze and the student loan risk control.
The article argues that granting students loans by social security cards from social security fund can radically solve the dilemma of students' credit squeeze and the student loan risk control.