No common security infrastructure is in place.
Business applications and security infrastructure.
Unfortunately, many teams develop their own security infrastructure.
Many times architects decide on building the security infrastructure from scratch.
In that article, I covered ease of management of a security infrastructure using XKMS.
The next topic focuses on another important component of the XML security infrastructure — PKI.
The systems will be incorporated into the security infrastructure of a major domestic military base.
Doing so gives your applications access to a strong and robust standards-based security infrastructure.
Security infrastructure of WebSphere Application Server, such as role-based access control and encryption.
When designing your SOA security infrastructure, consider planning to allow certain trusted intermediaries.
Configuring the Custom Trusted Signon provider to integrate IBM Cognos 8 components within the security infrastructure.
SAGE USES geospatial data from the National geospatial Intelligence Agency's Homeland Security Infrastructure Program.
Most commonly used, and also the recommended LDAP server for AIX security infrastructure, is the IBM Tivoli Directory Server.
The code might have implemented its own threading, caching, connection pooling, or even (heaven forbid) security infrastructure.
The project work mainly involved integrating the new security infrastructure over the same distributed file service architecture as in DFS.
Because all LotusLive Engage components are built on the same security infrastructure, there is no need to install any add-on on the client.
因为所有LotusLive Engage组件都是在相同的安全基础设施上创建的,因此无需在客户机上安装任何插件。
As a network security infrastructure, more and more people have paid attention to PKI. But there are still a lot of deficiencies with PKI.
PK I作为一种网络安全基础设施,日益受到关注,但是PKI还有许多问题有待解决。
WebSphere Application Server provides a security infrastructure and mechanisms to protect sensitive JEE resources and administrative resources.
XKMS lowers the complexity of deploying PKI in client, and provides an interoperable security infrastructure for the network applications.
XKMS reduces the complexity of deploying PKI in client, and provides an interoperable security infrastructure for the network applications.
When config service runs outside the server, access control is not enforced, since the administrative security infrastructure runs inside the server.
Specific to Version 6.1, there is a new security infrastructure in that is "secure by default," and includes certificate generation (with host names).
对于Version 6.1来说有点特殊,它具有一种“缺省安全”的新的安全基础结构,并且包括了证书的生成(使用主机名)。
In the GT2, the earlier version of GT, it relies on grid security infrastructure (GSI) to guarantee the security of the grid computing circumstances.
I have covered enough of canonicalization to help you understand its importance and how it fits into the basic framework of the XML security infrastructure.
The service grid lets participating companies act as a loose federation, each with its own internal computer, network, and security infrastructure and policies.
This way you will be able to leverage the vendor-provided strong security infrastructure and, where business needs require, support more complex authorization rules.
The XML Key management Specification (XKMS) allows for easy management of the security infrastructure, while the security Assertion Markup Language (SAML) makes trust portable.
xml密钥管理规范(XML Key Management Specification,XKMS)使得安全性基础设施易于管理,而安全性断言标记语言(Security Assertion Markup Language,SAML)则使信任可以移植。
The XML Key management Specification (XKMS) allows for easy management of the security infrastructure, while the security Assertion Markup Language (SAML) makes trust portable.
xml密钥管理规范(XML Key Management Specification,XKMS)使得安全性基础设施易于管理,而安全性断言标记语言(Security Assertion Markup Language,SAML)则使信任可以移植。