This thesis focuses on security problems of group communication, and intends to construct a policy-based security management infrastructure for group communication.
This infrastructure can also act as a point of control to apply service management, security, monitoring, and instrumentation to the Service-Oriented Architecture.
At the core of all SOA security is a policy-based infrastructure and management of the policies.
In that article, I covered ease of management of a security infrastructure using XKMS.
Disaster recovery, private key management, and disclosure of controls activities are security concerns in the SaaS environment in the pay-on-demand infrastructure.
Another major feature that Domino's infrastructure provides for you is user management and document-level security.
The XML Key management Specification (XKMS) allows for easy management of the security infrastructure, while the security Assertion Markup Language (SAML) makes trust portable.
xml密钥管理规范(XML Key Management Specification,XKMS)使得安全性基础设施易于管理,而安全性断言标记语言(Security Assertion Markup Language,SAML)则使信任可以移植。
Application-centric management gives application owners more flexibility, control, visibility, automation, and security for the infrastructure resources used by their applications.
Data management, information (security), resource management and information service form the core of grid basic infrastructure together.
These approaches improve security, streamline security management and reduce the cost of the rapidly growing remote access infrastructure.
These approaches improve security, streamline security management and reduce the cost of the rapidly growing remote access infrastructure.