If this extra security is not needed, it is possible to put a normal proxy server in the DMZ.
When configured in high security mode, the secure proxy server will route application requests based on static route data.
CGBS is required if you run the secure proxy server in medium security mode in order to dynamically obtain routing information.
When configured in medium security mode, the dynamic routing information is obtained and used by the secure proxy server.
With a DMZ secure proxy server in high security mode (the default), you are required to supply a file that contains static routing information to the secure proxy server.
对 DMZ安全代理服务器使用高级安全模式(默认设置),您需要为安全代理服务器提供一个包含静态路由信息的文件。
The two main advantages of using a reverse proxy server are system security and performance.
If the Web server was used as a security measure in the DMZ, then the proxy cannot replace it — but it can sit in the secure zone to help with the routing and load balancing.
By adding the mod_security module to the Apache Web server, you can change the reverse proxy server to an application gateway and provide even more security to the Web application.
Tivoli access Manager WebSEAL server: a security proxy component that enforces access to web servers and manages the web space centrally, linking all web servers into one logical web space.
The security model of the proxy server based on PDRR consists of protection system, detection system, response system, recovery system and expert system.
Using the WebSphere Process Server Web service API involves a number of steps, such as copying key artifacts, generating the proxy clients, and ensuring security.
Security experts are warning that some proxy server website can carry viruses and malicious software, and pupils who log on put themselves at risk of cyber crime.
Controls the proxy destinations, server, and security Settings.
My company USES a proxy server to speed up Internet access and increase security.
My company USES a proxy server to speed up Internet access and increase security.