Login screen provides custom authentication and password reset based on security question and answer.
In BIS 4.0 the text will be changed and users will now be asked to enter a 'security question and' answer to your security question '.
在BIS 4.0中,文本将被改变,用户将被要求输入一个“隐私问题”和“回答你的隐私问题”。
Choose the correct security question and answer that you filled in during registration and we will send an email to you with your sign-in details.
With the increasing in a large amount of planting and importing of the transgenic crops of our country, the security question and measuring of the transgenic food causes attention more and more.
By installing the tool as web browser extension, you can encrypt and protect your information on any web site by security question and answer. Only people who know the answer can decrypt the message.
As Apple and several security experts have argued, an order compelling Apple to write software that gives the FBI access to the iPhone in question would establish an unsettling precedent.
正如苹果公司和几位安全专家所主张的,强迫苹果公司编写软件来让联邦调查局访问某 iPhone的指令,将树立起一个令人不安的先例。
As Apple and several security experts have argued, an order compelling Apple to write software that gives the F.B.I. access to the iPhone in question would establish an unsettling precedent.
正如苹果公司和几位安全专家所主张的那样,强迫苹果公司编写软件来让联邦调查局访问某iPhone 的指令,将树立起一个令人不安的先例。
So the question is: how does this impact J2EE application server security, and in particular, how does it affect authorization in this space?
On your second question, Security Council Summit on Nuclear Non-proliferation and Disarmament is the first of its kind to be held and is of great significance.
On your second question, Security Council Summit on Nuclear Non - proliferation and Disarmament is the first of its kind to be held and is of great significance.
On your second question, China has taken note of relevant report and set store by other countries' wish to make greater contribution to safeguarding international peace and security.
Denison says the question is whether Europe will be able to forge a unified, combined response to Russia and a common energy security plan to get out from under its dependence on Russian energy.
And because Voice Vault lets you set your own security question, the answer to which is used as the passphrase, it is easier than remembering a PIN.
This question has two subparts: are the malware creators more innovative and inventive, such that security efforts are always playing catch-up?
But beyond operational security, preventing rogue trading is a question of hiring and corporate culture.
This question has been haunting the web application security field for quite some time and rest assured that no one will ever give you a definite answer.
The question I will raise is, do security and comfort really make us happy?
Put forward the question of the marketing capital security, and the control system of marketing capital security.
The computer and Internet technology are changing the appearance of the human society; it is the question of information and online security with its one that followed.
Josh Chin and Zachary Slobig report from Xinjiang, where water security is a key question for residents.
Many people question the security of this kind of mechanism and its implementation.
Googling old emails, usernames and avatars is a great way to track down those loose ends - and perhaps even remove some of those public details used for security question fodder.
As such, you must question a vendor's definition of "good security", and you must not let vendors tell you what's important to you.
At present, the virus has become the puzzle computer system security and the computer application important question.
At present, the virus has become the puzzle computer system security and the computer application important question.