Enhancements to AIX security expert include an enhancement to store security templates in LDAP.
Keep in mind that the policies created by the security Configuration Wizard are different from security templates which use.
The CLASP process also introduces a few new artifacts that logically result from security analysis. These artifacts are fully documented, with supporting examples and templates.
Content Templates objects are used to store a set of default values, such as "owner, author, workflow and security features"; to be used when creating new Content.
Create the content Templates to describe the attributes for your Web content, e.g workflow, security and component attributes.
You can specify whether access to an object should be allowed by setting the security callback on the object, using the SetAccessCheckCallbacks method on object templates.
As HIPS vendors try to simplify the user experience with templates as well as low, medium, and high security level Settings, they are also exposing users to greater risks.
Evaluated variables are treated the same as templates. They follow the same escapement and security features just as if they were templates.
Technical Note: Evaluated variables are treated the same as templates. They follow the same escapement and security features just as if they were templates.
Experimental results prove that the proposed approach can be used to protect iris feature templates and enhance the security of the iris recognition system itself.
The key factor of any CMS is that it provides a clear separation of the key elements in it: security, workflow, templates, and so on.
The key factor of any CMS is that it provides a clear separation of the key elements in it: security, workflow, templates, and so on.