I am sure you all know from physics class about how light moves in microscopic ways and that we can only see light when the wavelength of that light is in a specific range.
I shall send for you sometimes to help—but you must come when no one can see you.
Can you see it when I open the shutter to let in the light?
When do you think I can come and see him tomorrow afternoon?
In some cases, I welcome hard-hitting social photography – you can see this in many of my works – but there is a limit to everything, especially when showing people at the height of suffering.
Personally I deplore it when you see evident referee mistakes but it's not the end of a competition or the end of football, this can happen.
Sometimes it is hard to see it when you are the one going through it, but based on my own life, I can say that everything happens because that is the way it has to be.
They talk about goals which sound impressive, but when you see the actions are such that it will be impossible to reach those goals, then I can understand the informed public getting frustrated.
I think when we look back and can quantify it, we'll see it's pretty valuable to tell your network you are validating a viewpoint on something.
I shan't tell my reasons for making this inquiry; but, I beseech you to explain, if you can, what I have married: that is, when you call to see me; and you must call, Ellen, very soon.
When I was in the prison, I did not see him. So I asked the warden to help me give him a piece of paper where I wrote: you used to be very busy, but now you can have time to master a foreign language.
When we are through, I will shut off steam and put on brakes as hard as I can, and the moment it's safe to do so you must jump and hide in the wood, before they get through the tunnel and see you.
When can I see you and not your ghost?
So when you start a question, "I know you don't see the end coming...," Bryant corrects you quickly. "But it's a lot closer; I can see the light at the end of the tunnel."
Do you know when I can see him?
Oh, I can see all kinds of possibilities in a documentary, sort of a cross between Fahrenheit 9/11 when it comes to showing how stupid you are—I mean your father was—and, oh, I don't know.
噢,我看到了纪录片里的全部可能,会有《华氏911》的影子,来展现你是多么蠢——我是说你的父亲——还有…噢! 我也不清楚。
Just then, when I saw his evil grin, it almost seemed as though he were saying, "Let's see what you can do this time!?"
When finished, you restart Nagios and you can see that I can now view my switch entries.
John: So. when can I see you again?
Yes, I am, thank you. Listen, I have some ideas that might interest you. When can I see you?
When I need it, can you give me something to see.
When ever you come see me I can tell how hard it is on you.
Tomorrow afternoon. Um... When do you think I can come and see him tomorrow afternoon?
Tomorrow afternoon. Um... When do you think I can come and see him tomorrow afternoon?