Yes. The whole problem is the timing. We aren't seeing eye to eye, but let's work to solve the problem together.
The same diamond looks different from different angles. God expects unity, not uniformity, and we can walk arm in arm without seeing eye to eye on every issue.
Privately, Conservative sources are increasingly confident that the Treasury and its American counterpart are now seeing eye to eye on deficit reduction after being at odds for some months.
We hope that we can continue to give high quality teaching service, satisfying the needs for "individual seeing eye to eye", to students who go to international and Japanese schools in Shanghai.
I can remember seeing the eye come out of the water and the head and I was going to try and poke it in the eye if I could get close enough.
I can remember seeing the eye come out of the water and the head and I was going to try and poke it in the eye if I could get close enough.