Users can select and manipulate Home screen widgets, app shortcuts, and wallpapers using a dedicated visual layout mode.
Once you select a node (or a collection of nodes), you can find the data you're looking for and manipulate the document when you need to.
The root of all jQuery is its ability to select certain elements on a page and manipulate them.
SELECT, however, isn't the only SQL statement supported by YQL; you can also use INSERT, DELETE, and UPDATE queries to manipulate data on third-party services using the same SQL syntax.
但是,SELECT并非YQL支持的惟一SQL语句;您还可以使用INSERT、DELETE和UPDATE查询、运用相同的 SQL语法操作第三方服务上的数据。
You can't fully manipulate the bottom layer called 'Background', so select this layer, go up to the options at the top of the Layers palette and duplicate the layer.
You can't fully manipulate the bottom layer called 'Background', so select this layer, go up to the options at the top of the Layers palette and duplicate the layer.