Some of the oil and chemical industries are built almost entirely around self-acting controls.
Behind were six Fire-flies, well supplied with self-acting lamps, which they kept hidden somewhere under their wings.
The range consists of three different types of regulation systems: a wireless system based on radio communication technology, a hard-wired system, and a self-acting system.
The chief products include: Bellows seal globe valve, Free-float steam trap, Pilot pressure reducing valve, Pneumatic control valve, Self-acting temperature-sensing valve, Cyclone separator etc.
The man later told police that he was acting in self-defence.
Not all of them were acting out of self-interest.
As the world's food security falls to pieces, individual countries acting in their own self-interest are actually worsening the troubles of many.
If you don't start acting like your ideal self, you never will be.
We are acting in self-defence.
Supporters say any punishment she receives should be mild because she was acting in self-defence.
Work at becoming comfortable in knowing that beyond your egoic self (which thrives on approval from others) there lies within you the presence of an infinite power acting as your "soul" authority.
Banks are ostensibly acting in their own self-interest by cutting back on risk.
Acting-out in the opposite role allows for a sense of balance, a release of tension or repressed rage, or the practice of self-confidence.
This doesn't necessarily mean that we're always greedy and selfish: our self-interest can include a desire for the warm glow of acting in a moral or charitable way.
Self-respect comes from being true to who you really are and from acting in accordance with your fundamental nature.
This idea of freedom is that your accumulated money will enable you to stop working and begin acting as your self.
When are we acting out of wisdom and when are we acting out of our own need to minimize our negative behavior when it comes to self forgiveness?
Shipbuilding . head of sounding pipes with self - acting valve . details of body.
I always enjoyed the idea of self-destructing on purpose, taking something that was important to me—acting—and just becoming unhireable.
Believe in you ability to become free and self-determining, and put that belief to work by acting upon it. Do it now!
Public administration careers are offered through civil societies, as well as any organization not specifically acting in self-interest.
Self-respect comes from being true to who you really are and from acting in accordance with your fundamental nature.
If the dogs were acting solely out of self-interest, there would have been no differences among the groups, with animals accepting food equally from the different people, the researchers explained.
如果狗狗仅仅是单纯地、出于自己兴趣地行动,那这几组测试便不会有任何差别,狗狗们会平等的接受来自任何一个人的食物。 。
If the dogs were acting solely out of self-interest, there would have been no differences among the groups, with animals accepting food equally from the different people, the researchers explained.
如果狗狗仅仅是单纯地、出于自己兴趣地行动,那这几组测试便不会有任何差别,狗狗们会平等的接受来自任何一个人的食物。 。