Methods Random sampling investigation was carried out by self-administering and anonymous questionnaire among college students in Henan.
The author suggests two ways for remedy: entrepreneur self-perfection and perfection of the entrepreneur administering system.
Objective To study the relationship between the patients′ health knowledge, economic condition and their self administering compliance.
Article 117 the organs of self-government of the national autonomous areas have the power of autonomy in administering the finances of their areas.
Article 117. The organs of self-government of the national autonomous areas have the power of autonomy in administering the finances of their areas.
A clinical report by the American Academy of Pediatrics recommends best practices for administering self-injectable epinephrine for first-aid treatment of anaphylaxis in children in the community.
美国小儿科学会发布的临床报告推荐一项最佳治疗措施- - - - -采用能自我注射肾上腺素急救社区儿童速发型过敏反应。
A clinical report by the American Academy of Pediatrics recommends best practices for administering self-injectable epinephrine for first-aid treatment of anaphylaxis in children in the community.
美国小儿科学会发布的临床报告推荐一项最佳治疗措施- - - - -采用能自我注射肾上腺素急救社区儿童速发型过敏反应。