Not morbidly, not in any form of self-destructiveness.
Drinking and trading lure people across the line from pleasure to self-destructiveness.
One night his drunken self-destructiveness came to a head in a fight with my mother I can't ever forget.
One night his drunken self-destructiveness came to a head in a fight with my mother I can’t ever forget.
一天夜里,他喝醉了酒,与我母亲厮打起来,他那种自我毁灭的劲头猛地爆发了出来。 那情景我永远也无法忘怀。
One night his drunken self-destructiveness came to a head in a fight with my mother I can’t ever forget.
一天夜里,他喝醉了酒,与我母亲厮打起来,他那种自我毁灭的劲头猛地爆发了出来。 那情景我永远也无法忘怀。