People with low self-esteem need respect from others.
You need to build your self-esteem.
Ready to release the need to live in your perfectionism, low self esteem and excuses? Then ask yourself this question.
For some alcohol abusers, psychological traits such as impulsiveness, low self-esteem, and a need for approval prompt inappropriate drinking.
Being out of work for a long time is so hard on your self-esteem that you need a regular dose of encouragement from friends, former colleagues and bosses, and relatives who are on your side.
According to the pyramid, it is not enough to gain self-esteem through achievements and confidence; you need also to respect others and earn others’ respect.
Parents need to be reassuring and supportive, encouraging children to think positively about themselves and building up their self-esteem.
According to the pyramid, it is not enough to gain self-esteem through achievements and confidence; you need also to respect others and earn others' respect.
If you don't feel good about yourself, then you need to work on that before seeking a relationship, as people generally don't look for someone with low self-esteem.
What we really need is praise from others to raise our self-esteem.
Firstly you would need to improve your confidence level if you have low self-esteem.
Warning people of the deadly nature of certain behaviors may increase the need for self-esteem because self-esteem helps solve the psychological problem of death.
To rebuild our self-image and bolster our self-esteem we need to start on a very core level.
It is this sense of self that you need to consider when thinking of self-esteem. What is self-esteem except a sense of self that is balanced and whole?
Many studies have indicated that if your self-esteem is low, you are more likely to feel stress and anxiety, failure and rejection will hurt you deeper, and you need more time to recover.
Children need help understanding that their self-esteem and the self-esteem of those they interact with have a direct effect on each other.
There is significant affect between self-esteem levels and coping styles, yet achievement need only has significant effect on solving problem.
If life seems boring and depressing, perhaps a big dose of daily self esteem help is just the spark you need for a happier life.
It is this low level of self-esteem that makes you age faster than maybe you actually need to.
Yes, it isn't easy to really understand a human being. And, to understand others, we need first of all to understand ourselves and to gain self-esteem and confidence.
These are the things that are bothering you and you don't even have enough self-esteem to tell him what you need to feel good.
The need for self-esteem is one of the most basic meed to human and play an important dominant role in person's life, so it has been paid close attention by lots of researchers.
Too much praise can sap self-esteem because it can create pressure to perform and set up a continual need for approval from others.
But we shouldn't look at the table too often. We need to focus on the next match completely. We gained the right amount of self-esteem in Frankfurt for that.
You want to have enough self-esteem to not need pity, enough gumption to take care of yourself, and enough smarts to stay away from bad people.
In higher vocational education, the learners' needs mainly focus on love and belong(esteem), esteem and self-actualization need, precisely: ability needs, social needs and self-realization needs.
At the moment I suddenly realized that even if dirty, the rest of the life, I also need this self-esteem of the hand.
At the moment I suddenly realized that even if dirty, the rest of the life, I also need this self-esteem of the hand.