The affinity of self-incompatibility in the mustard family affects the purity of hybrid seed and the propagation coefficient of stock plant.
Studies of effects of S genes on self-incompatibility in phanerogam have been the focus since the first S gene (S-locus glycoprotein, SLG) was identified.
The pollens of each plant were treated by laser and high-voltage electrostatic field for overcoming their self-incompatibility and cross- incompatibility.
Since high degree of sugar beet self-incompatibility, it often leads to loss of fine individual genotype, and is hard to keep good breeding material for breeding.
Only 5 plants in the first year and 3 plants in the second year matched the criterion of self-incompatibility that CI was less than 1 at anthesis and more than 5 at the bud stage.
This is influenced by factors such as plant population density and structure and the adaptability of pollinator as well the presence or absence of self-incompatibility mechanisms.
Other special topics will include transposable elements, genetic control of breeding systems such as self-incompatibility, and molecular mechanisms of resistances to biotic and abiotic stresses.
The use of anther culture to create double haploid (DH) lines is popular in breeding of self incompatibility lines of Brassica crops.
This is a new method for regulating the self incompatibility of cabbage.
In the cross breeding of Hedychium, parental selection is related not only to the parental morphologic characters, but also to the reproducing barrier of self incompatibility.
In the cross breeding of Hedychium, parental selection is related not only to the parental morphologic characters, but also to the reproducing barrier of self incompatibility.