You see, without self-mastery, it is difficult to be self-giving.
Don't mistake your need for self-mastery and control for your obvious ability to control others.
Begin at once a program of self-mastery. But start modestly, with the little things that bother you.
The ability to assign meaning to an illness or to symptoms has been found to enhance some patients' sense of self-mastery over a problem or crisis.
Even if people in reality are downright inhuman, you can choose to ignore their behaviour or not view it negatively at all. That is real self-mastery.
You gain self mastery and self discipline.
Seek the path of self mastery.
In the Big Threeof self, culture, and world, integral mastery starts with self.
Integral mastery begins with mastery of self, at an emotional level, a mental-ethical level, and a spiritual level.
One can then tune into their own journey, their own process of self mastery, and focus upon what shall allow one to continue to ascend .
that mastery over things and self to which [Beethoven] himself was aspiring, and which he was to achieve by an effort of impassioned heroism ...
So says a study in the journal Social Science Research. [Rachel Dwyer, Laura McCloud and Randy Hodson, Youth debt, mastery, and self-esteem: Class-stratified effects of indebtedness on self-concept].
这一说法来自《社会科学研究》杂志上的一篇研究论文[rachelDwyerLauraMcCloudandRandyHodsonYouthdebtmastery and self - esteem: Class -stratifiedeffectsof indebtednesson self - conce pt]。
They cycle through the same sequence of sensations as do trauma survivors: self-loss, confusion and, finally, a new sense of mastery.
Each that comes into their Self Study Program or Group Mastery Program has a particular contribution to the karma to be understood and released in any given year of focus.
The direct factors, which influence on deep strategy and achievement strategy, are self efficacy and mastery goals, and the former's effect is greater.
If you can win complete mastery over self, you will easily master all else. To triumph over self is the perfect victory.
This sign shall give birth to leadership founded upon wisdom, understanding and self - mastery through ascension.
Self-confidence of skill mastery, skill performance, and confidence for coach's ability and match situation are the important predicting factors of performance.
Strengthen the morals mastery of self.
Ultimately each soul must clearly define SELF in order to gain Mastery.
For some, exercise is an effective antidepressant because it gives them a sense of mastery and self-control.
The self quality mastery of accounting people is wanted from business quality with ideological quality both come to measure, and ideological quality is also the first.
And we tell you Dear Ones, crystallization, through impeccability is a necessary phase of Self- Mastery. It is a calibrational juncture in the multidimensional sojourn.
Objective condition is huge to change , subjectively ideological change and study is below is cause financial people self quality mastery the major reason of relative hysteresis.
Self Mastery is embodied in periods of planned detachment. It is that period in which impeccability is crystallized.
Divorce didn't reduce symptoms of depression, raise self-esteem or increase sense of mastery compared with those who stayed married, the report says.
This however will indeed only be your first conquest; for the self mastery will accord with the knowing of the ONE who you are.
This however will indeed only be your first conquest; for the self mastery will accord with the knowing of the ONE who you are.