The result of that was unconscious self-sabotaging of the success I had, until my physical reality matched that of my beliefs.
No one is perfect, and while we are not advocating for settling for less than you desire, the notion of "perfection" is a self-sabotaging principal.
I have also cared for patients who were stubborn, used self-sabotaging behaviors, and had triggered strong countertransference feelings in their clinicians.
The elimination of negative blocks allows vocational goals to be more easily accomplished, and self-sabotaging behavior based on guilt progressively diminishes.
Read more about mental and emotional stress that can be caused by pessimism, type a traits, and other self-sabotaging thought patterns, and learn how you can change the way you look at things.
We have become capable of the most stunning technological breakthroughs — but we are sabotaging them by proving ourselves incapable of the most basic forms of self-restraint.
We have become capable of the most stunning technological breakthroughs — but we are sabotaging them by proving ourselves incapable of the most basic forms of self-restraint.