India never fully Shared Gandhi's dream of a small-scale, self-sufficient economy, its swadeshi (own-country) garments made of hand-spun yarn hand-woven on home looms.
The swift growth of this merchant marine diversified the northern colonial economy and made it more self-sufficient.
After 1815 improved transportation enabled more and more western farmers to escape a self-sufficient way of life and enter a national market economy.
Subsistence % economy era, under a self-sufficient peasant economy, people and goods Exchange in the world by accident, consumer relations of dependence does not form a common people.
The economy is not self-sufficient by the French subsidies.
The Western European serfdom is one kind of economic forms in Western European feudal society, and it was suitable for the self-sufficient manorial economy.
The " difference preface pattern", close and self-sufficient agro-farming economy, and the traditional culture have laid a solid foundation for the existence and development of these factors.
NARRATOR: the Soviet system of central planning meant that the Kremlin controlled every aspect of the economy. The aim was to make the Soviet Union strong and self-sufficient.
Don't try and be self-sufficient... you'll find that people won't need your skills as much and then you will be isolated from the rest of the economy.
"A Lao economist believes that the" agriculture-based, self-sufficient nature "of the country's economy will protect Laos from the global financial crisis."
"A Lao economist believes that the" agriculture-based, self-sufficient nature "of the country's economy will protect Laos from the global financial crisis."