As the self-control of this skillful actor crumbled, he started to babble in sudden outbursts and heard imaginary phones ringing and people knocking at the door.
Any actor who doesn't want to reek of despair should avoid such self-mockery at all costs.
However, the world of the mobile operator is self-contained; it requires no knowledge about what the Simpay Ltd. actor does.
Cover of the menu which reads "Self-cultivation of an actor", a book that means a lot to Stephen Chow.
A struggling actor giving it a last throw of the dice as he stages a self-financed production of Hamlet.
(in relation to)? Another way to consider differences among education, marketing, and law is in relation to the accordance of pre -existing self -interests held by the actor and his target.
If you want to become an actor, you must build up your self-confidence and learn to notice people around you.
And I honestly believe the key to my success as an actor and my progress as a person has been the very lack of self that used to make me feel so anxious and insecure.
As a kind of self-discipline of its actor and psychological evaluation of its cost and income, accounting integrity will reach its equilibrium in certain social circumstance.
As a kind of self-discipline of its actor and psychological evaluation of its cost and income, accounting integrity will reach its equilibrium in certain...
What you hold about the situation of "self" and "the other" is the primary actor and prerequisite of investigation from the point of view of investigation.
What you hold about the situation of "self" and "the other" is the primary actor and prerequisite of investigation from the point of view of investigation.