Thought that I would self destruct.
The treatment works by blocking the growth of the cancer cells and eventually causing them to self destruct.
This tape will self-destruct in 30 seconds.
They're going to be famous, but unless something happens, they're going to self-destruct.
The first sign of illness is a sudden loss of power which, if not rectified immediately, can cause the engine to self-destruct.
A new DNA-based logic circuit can sense the signs of cancer, compute that a cell is cancerous, and then cause it to self-destruct, researchers say.
You will create the calculator resource and extend out to self-destruct in 30 seconds — in other words, its lifetime is 30 seconds.
You will create the calculator resource and extend out to self-destruct in 30 seconds -- in other words, its lifetime is 30 seconds.
您将创建计算器资源,并且向外扩展为在30秒钟内自我销毁--换句话说,它的生命周期为 30 秒。
HarperCollins has informed libraries that henceforth, ebooks will be sold on the condition that they can only be circulated 26 times before they self-destruct.
Using certain APIs, like credit card checkouts and self-destruct switches is not practical.
If that time expires, the resource instance might self-destruct without the need for an explicit destroy request from a client.
Programming them to self-destruct after 26 checkouts is tantamount to asking librarians to embrace entropy.
But Professor Williams says the experimental drug disables this enzyme, causing the worm to self-destruct.
Residue seems to self-generate but it doesn't self-destruct! Delete what you can to begin with, and purge your reference files regularly, as things get out of date and lose their value to you.
残留似乎是自我产生的但它不会自我消除.删除你能够删除的 时常整理你的参考文件当它失去时效 失去价值.
They then induced carbon dioxide-sensing neurons to self-destruct, with similar life-extending results.
That prevents a safety system from kicking in, which would shut down the plant before it could self-destruct.
It's almost nothing, and I will still try to get it lit, which is not so easy, because this battery has a self-destruct in it.
Your Vikings can rise up safely out of range and wait until the Broodlings self-destruct in a few seconds, then drop back down again to continue the ground destruction.
IPhone 4s (Siri) : "42 is the number of seconds you have left until I initiate the self-destruct sequence..."
iPhone4s (Siri):“42是我启动自毁程序前留给你的时间的秒数……”。
The compound caused the cancer cells to self-destruct in a process called apoptosis, while not affecting normal pancreatic cells.
Were it not for these counterbalances, humankind would self-destruct out of the sheer mass of its unopposed negativity.
Some tracking services even allow you to create self-destruct or email that can be retracted after a period of time.
When AGLT equipment was introduced, a self-destruct unit was fitted to prevent it falling into enemy hands.
The peach is a self-destruct, is a great sacrifice.
Everyone needs "private time" to pursue hobbies or hang out with friends, and the lack of it may cause relationships to self-destruct.
As a Strategic Trader you are probably so logical, that you don't even recognize when your emotions are causing you to self-destruct.
As a Strategic Trader you are probably so logical, that you don't even recognize when your emotions are causing you to self-destruct.