This article shows you how to enable some of DB2 9 features, such as self-tuning memory management and compression, as part of the post-migration steps.
本文将展示如何启用DB 29的一些特性,例如自调优内存管理和压缩,这些都是完成迁移后的工作。
DB2 LUW provides you with an easy way to manage various memory structures through self-tuning memory management (STMM).
DB 2LUW为您提供一种管理各种内存结构的简单方法,即自调优内存管理(STMM)。
Plus, the ability to use the same SQL syntax will allow your development team to quickly shift to the DB2 platform with its self-tuning and automated memory management.
另外,由于能够使用相同的sql语法,而且DB 2提供自调优和自动内存管理,开发团队可以快速地转移到DB2平台。
Self-tuning memory management that can take up to 500MB of memory
自调优内存管理,可以占用最多 500MB 内存
Self-tuning memory management that can take up to 500MB of memory
自调优内存管理,可以占用最多 500MB 内存