He walked two hours at weekends to the market to buy different things to sell around his school.
Never buy all at once. Never sell all at once.
At a less exalted level, we buy and sell attention all the time, usually as part of some other transaction.
At 19 he began to buy and sell properties.
At university I was taught that marketing is the link between the producer and the consumer, which roughly translates as bridging the gap between what you sell and those who buy it.
Futures contracts involve the formal obligation to sell or buy a given amount of a commodity at a specified time and price.
Short sellers sell borrowed shares with plans to buy them back later at a lower price.
They were saddled with "take or pay" contracts that obliged them to buy fixed quantities of gas far above what they could sell and at prices way above those on the spot market.
Transactions became more complex, involving for instance the right to buy and sell goods in the future at a price fixed in the present.
Very few, if any investors, will ever buy at the absolute bottom and sell at the absolute top.
As demand for the asst-backed securities that SIVs buy has evaporated, some have had to sell holdings at fire-sale prices to repay investors.
Once, big Italian clubs used to buy; now we sell, look at [Samuel] Eto’o, and it shows in our results in Europe.
We will create Buy and Sell messages at a later stage.
As these statistics clearly illustrate, the core of ebay-allowing anyone to buy or sell anything at a fair price-really came to life as the company grew.
If they wait in line for an hour at the Apple store to buy and sell phones, they can make $300 in a single morning.
On a screen, they see the other traders are offering to sell or buy at.
Many more people buy art, and at higher prices, because they know they can sell it on.
In such deals, traders sell borrowed shares, hoping they can buy them back later at a cheaper price.
An option is a derivative contract that gives the purchaser the right, but not the obligation, to buy or sell an asset at a certain price.
You can also buy domains cheap and then sell at a premium.
You can offer a bundle of two flavors of syrup at a slightly reduced price to up-sell parents who intend to buy only one flavor when they came to the site.
So speculators could buy stocks on the cheap, sell futures contracts at higher prices, and simply store the metal until the contracts fell due.
According to VOC's managers, that means it can buy into companies at between 4 and 10 times earnings and then sell out at between 17 and 25 times earnings when the company gets a US listing.
However, the buy-out group had previously said that Mr Peterson, 80, would retire at the end of 2008 and would be allowed to sell his stake in the listed vehicle immediately.
Stock market investors complain when private equity funds buy corporate assets only to sell them back to the stock market at a far higher price a couple of years later.
A stock option gives the holder the right to buy or sell the underlying stock at a fixed price for a specified period of time.
That means wider spreads between the prices at which investors can buy and sell stocks or bonds.
That means wider spreads between the prices at which investors can buy and sell stocks or bonds.