Semantic data model provides a facility for expressing meaning about the data in the database.
The GIS semantic data modeling approach has been used as a tool to design the needed conceptual model.
By the semantic data model, an integration method to express design entities and their interdependence is provided.
Semantic association is defined as the representation of rich knowledge about binary relation in semantic data model.
Using the enterprise semantic data model, based on the business model, to ensure interoperability of the resulting services.
In this paper, a semantic data model for the management of IC CAD data is proposed, and the specific representations and management of the data in the model are given.
It provides a rich representation of the data model that supports semantic query.
That is, semantic services translate the physical data into a logical representation of the data that conforms to the agreed-upon business view of the data (the information model).
Many industry standards deal with semantic interoperability, which include data and data model standards for vertical and horizontal industries.
The data designer using an XML dialect as the data format has complete control over the semantic model defining the data.
Service interoperability requires "semantic" data model for their interaction.
Similar to the other business services, an interface for the data services is often based on the enterprise semantic model.
The Semantic Web in Linked Data format is a perfect way to represent knowledge on the Web because the object-oriented model is simple to understand.
The Semantic Web links and relates elements of the data model to a common ontology.
If your data fits into the triple data model and is stored in one of the specialized databases known as triplestores, the advantages of Semantic Web technology are obvious.
The ability of the RDF data model to connect independently created data is what makes the Semantic Web a web, and the ability to combine datasets is an important payoff of this ability.
RDF数据模型拥有能够连接单独创建的数据的能力,是SemanticWeb 所不可或缺的,与数据集相结合的能力正是这一功能的重要优势。
Semantic Web services (SWS) can be considered an integration layer on top of Web services; they use ontologies as data model and they have a rich conceptual model.
Validity check (Default: basic validity check) : the validity check verifies that the data model follows the semantic rules for the model format.
validitycheck(默认值:basic validity check):有效性检查,验证数据模型是否遵从模型格式的语义规则。
A semantic model is created by feeding a syntax tree back into the compilation so that it will be annotated with symbol data. The semantic model can then be queried for information such as.
Each system has its own proprietary semantic meaning, but is mapped to a logical data model which can be instantiated as a physical federated model or a canonical message model.
Semantic services enable you to represent semantic models, identify model-to-model relationships, and execute the necessary translations to reconcile data with differing semantic models.
And then carry on deep research to Multi-source Spatial Data Translation model in semantic level and explain in detail to the definition, principle, organization of the model.
The proposed model was verified by data collected from subjective assessment with paired comparison and semantic differential methods.
The example shows that the semantic object model is a kind of data model very capable of modeling and easily accessible to the user.
As a data model of describing and exchanging information, they provide a way of navigating and organizing semantic data.
Its essence is to realize semantic annotation of academic resources data and complete the domain knowledge description under the guidance of the conceptual model of the ontology.
The primary contents are summarized as follows:An overview of the key functions of the EXPRESS modelling language as well as a formal semantic description of the EXPRESS data model is introduced.
The model can deal with the semantic relationships of personalized data attribute efficiently.
Fist, we propose a data model that can implement automated subscription decomposition supporting semantic equivalence.
Fist, we propose a data model that can implement automated subscription decomposition supporting semantic equivalence.