The aerodynamic performance of turbomachinery for an gas turbine engine based on a semi-closed cycle employing carbon dioxide as the primary working fluid was analyzed.
The experimental analysis of semi-closed cycle numerical control system driven by direct current servomotor shows that it is more precise than the traditional calculation result.
通过一个以直流伺服电机驱动的半闭环数控系统的实验分析,表明比传统的计算结果有更 高的精度和 可靠性。
The experimental analysis of semi-closed cycle numerical control system driven by direct current servomotor shows that it is more precise than the traditional calculation result.
通过一个以直流伺服电机驱动的半闭环数控系统的实验分析,表明比传统的计算结果有更 高的精度和 可靠性。