And the corresponding different information sets, the market will be divided into three categories: the weak-effective market, semi-strong efficient market and strong market effective.
According to the levels of the information the price reflects, Fama classified the efficient market into three types: weak efficient market, semi-strong efficient market and strong efficient market.
According to the corresponding different information collection, the efficient market was divided into three kinds: weak form market, semi-strong form market and strong form market.
And the empirical study proves that our stock market is not semi-strong efficient because investors can gain abnormal returns with publicly information.
This shows that the stock market is capable of making an anticipated response to the interim surplus and the efficiency of Shanghai stock market has come to be "semi-strong-formula efficient".
If market anomalies exactly exist, then the non-semi-strong - efficient of Chinese stock market can be judged, and the market efficiency theory will be challenged.
If market anomalies exactly exist, then the non-semi-strong - efficient of Chinese stock market can be judged, and the market efficiency theory will be challenged.