For college games, semi-pro, or spring-training Big League games, you can usually get pretty close — especially if you apply some added charm or "weight."
而在大学比赛、半 专业比赛或大联盟春训赛中,你通常也能靠得够近,尤其是如果你施加了一些魅力魔法或是你身份够“重”。
If you're lucky enough to have a pro or semi-pro team near you, a ball game can be a fun date.
The evolution of pro-eutectic austenite in semi-solid high chromium cast iron was studied by self-made slope sampling plate through metallographical image analysis system.
Ebe Endocott is almost as good as he thinks he is, having won the semi-pro Podracing tournaments on Malastare three times, conquering the very fast and very dangerous courses of that misty planet.
He had been playing his football at semi-pro level in the Combined Counties League.
He had been playing his football at semi-pro level in the Combined Counties League.