Can I book a place on the "Study for Success" seminar course now?
Beyond the knowledge gained in lectures, the goal of this seminar course is to excite, enlighten, and stimulate your thinking through discussion and debate.
Colin and his mother say they would be satisfied if the university ensures that the NSF-funded research trip and a seminar fulfill the academic requirements of the course he originally sought.
As Figure 1 reveals, the only place the setter method is called is in the getter to formulate the title of the seminar, a combination of the course number, seminar number, and course name.
This course's format is unusual in that it incorporates the Department of Urban Studies and Planning's SPURS luncheon seminar series which has been organized by the course professor.
In this intermediate course we will build upon the essentials taught in seminar 1, with an introduction to more complex styles such as Songo, Comparsa, Mozambique, Abakua.
The course is structured to provide three lecture/seminar-based modules and three studio-based design modules followed by an individual Research-based Design Project.
The course is structured to provide three lecture/seminar-based modules and three studio-based design modules followed by an individual Research-based Design Project.