Seawater is forced through a semipermeable membrane that separates salt from water.
The process of reverse osmosis membrane used for the reverse osmosis semipermeable membrane.
In the model, gel is considered as a combination of a shell of an elastic semipermeable membrane and a core of a fluid phase.
The casings were semipermeable. Small molecules of urea could pass through the membrane while larger blood molecules might not.
Therefore, osmotic phenomenon exists in the system of shale and water based fluid, but shale is a non-perfect semipermeable membrane.
When given by most routes (excluding iv), a drug must traverse several semipermeable cell membranes before reaching the systemic circulation.
The coating film contained a biocompatible semipermeable material, cellulose acetate, and a water soluble pore-forming agent, poly(ethylene glycol).
The most common type of membrane separation is called reverse osmosis. Seawater is forced through a semipermeable membrane that separates salt from water.
Methods Core tablets containing osmotic active agent were prepared by direct compression and spray coated with swelling layer and semipermeable membrane subsequently.
This paper presents a method for evaluating formation damage by the use of capillary pressure data in laboratory obtained with the high pressure semipermeable-membrane.
If we place a semipermeable membrane (like that in a reverse osmosis filter) between sealed bodies of salt water and fresh water, the fresh water will gradually travel through the filter by osmosis.
If we place a semipermeable membrane (like that in a reverse osmosis filter) between sealed bodies of salt water and fresh water, the fresh water will gradually travel through the filter by osmosis.